In the distant sky Before
me, blue horizon High above the cirrus clouds The Earth miles below Now above the cumulus clouds From my window
I can see The thin veil of stratus clouds Streaking across the sky A layer of white, a layer of blue Shapes appear
before me A person, a car An animal, a plant Not unlike A brilliant white paint Strewn upon A pastel blue
canvas With the whispy willowly brushstrokes Of the hand of a child Perhaps I am viewing this canvas Through the
eyes of a child
Another Flight
Once again in this seat, so quiet am I To my right and
left again, nothing but sky Once again I question why am I here In silence... no answer... nothing is clear For my
work I say, this is what I do But deep in my heart, I haven't a clue Would that one moment that I may have peace Could
that one moment the terror would cease My heart is growing so tight in my chest To land safely once more my only request To
feel the sun on my face, the earth under my feet To feel the touch of my love on my face...so sweet To know another
day will come in which I will live What price would I pay... what would I give Frightened am I... Frustrated YES Will
I see another day is anyones guess Will I be able to travel again... "just because" Or will I now and forever hesitate...
pause Will I need to evaluate... rethink every trip I take For the deep fear within me...tomorrow I'll not wake
Another morning A new day Two
flights to go I'm on my way The plane makes ready And off we go Where we are heading I don't want to know Why
do I do this Why do I fly At 30,000 feet It's so easy to cry I feel so alone here Though many people there
be I know none of these people They know nothing of me I sit quietly writing in my book On this long and lonely
flight My heart, mind and soul are elsewhere It's going to be a long and lonely night
Alone Again
Once again I am here Sitting
alone No one to talk to Or to share a smile No one to laugh with Or even hold for a while I have a seat All
to myself No one to the right of me Nor even to the left I am alone in the first row How special can that be No
one here to sit with me No one to hear me breathe No one to watch my face As my expressions change As I fly from
here to there I am alone, all alone I hear my heart beating The sound is deafening
The Breath of Life
One by one they land These large shiny behemoths Noisy
they are They come from where? Out of the air? Impossible as it may seem Held up by what? What cannot be seen? Impossible
you say As impossible as it is Perchance to say The breath of GOD The breath of life As breathed into me At
4:36 AM November 3rd, 1957 As I look out the window Of the behemoth I am in I thank the lord For that breath
of life
The view from my first class seat
A cool breeze blows from the vent above No Smoking, Fasten
Seat Belts read the signs overhead White everywhere, in many subtle hues Off white, white, antique white and cream All
blended with shades of gray And divided by stripes of black So bland is this place I am No colors of life Only
the soft pastels of a background Surrounding me 1A, 1C, 1D and 1F. . .No room in first for seats B or D The seats
though comfortable are far from comforting From the window the scene changes little From this high up, 25,000 feet all
there is Is blue with wisps of. . .. . .more white Blue, White, Black and Gray Not exactly the colors of a cheerful
day I'll do what I can to make the best of it though When the day is waning and the sun is hanging low Off in the
distance there will again be a rainbow of colors
In the corner tucked so nice and neat Small, clean tennis shoes
covering little feet Some fruit, orange juice & croissant sweet These are what I see in my first class seat
magazine she is reading Loosely held in her hands Her chest rises and falls with each breath Her hair long auburn
She gazes out the window with nary a care This is nothing new, she's many miles in the air Up and back
she flies sometimes twice a week Enough times to earn upgrades to her own first class seat
She asked, "What's that
in your hands clutched so tight"? I said, " A collection of thoughts and words I write". She asked, "How do you do it?
What to write, how do you know?" I said, "I close my eyes, open my mind and the words begin to flow!"
She asked
what is my inspiration She said she could never do it without consternation I said, "A bird, a bridge, a sound, a child, Is
all that is necessary to make mind imagination run wild!"
As I sat talking with her I made mental notes My mind
running amuck with little quips and quotes The flight nearly over would there be enough time To put all the thoughts
together and make them rhyme
I told Beverly I was just having fun And when the flight was over I would not be done Though
my mind runs like a rabbit, I write like a snail So I told her when it is finished, I'd send it by E-mail
She said
with excitement, "No one's ever written for me"! I said, "Then this is a first, I'll call it 'Beverly'!" So now my thoughts
are slowing and the flight nearly over I put my book to rest as I slowly close its cover.
As cute as a
button As pretty as can be This tiny little blonde In seat "3C'
She's two and a half now In October she'll
be three As cute as a button As pretty as can be
Her eyes full of wonder As she looks out her window So
high in the air she is The Earth far below
She sits with her mother Both on their way home All the way from
California To Charlotte they've come
So talkative is she This l'il sprite of a girl Her hair all a' tussle Her
hands moving in a whirl
She's so much to say About where she's been I sit and listen My face all a'grin
mom looks so tired A long trip in one day And to keep her l'il one amused Is quite a struggle anyway
The flight
nearly over But her stories far from done On the ground soon to be And a new venture begun
She's one more
flight to take Then home she will be Finally a long deserved rest With mommy and daddy
As cute as a button As
pretty as can be This tiny l'il blonde girl In seat "3C"
(MFP - 01/05)